Cyber Essentials Certification

The basic Cyber Essentials package offers access to an online self-assessment questionnaire, Cyber Essentials branding for your business (to incorporate on your website, emails, and more), along with a 12-month Cyber Essentials certification upon successful application.


The Cyber Essentials package offers a variety of benefits, including:


Cyber Essentials branding: Once you have completed the self-assessment questionnaire, you can use the Cyber Essentials branding on your website, emails, and other marketing materials. This branding demonstrates to customers and partners that your organization has taken steps to protect itself against cyber attacks.


Access to the online self-assessment questionnaire: This questionnaire helps you to assess your business's cyber security posture and identify any areas where you may need to improve. 



The questionnaire covers five key areas:

Secure configuration of network devices

Secure operating systems

Secure software

Secure email and web browsing

User awareness and training

Cyber Essentials certification: If you successfully complete the self-assessment questionnaire and undergo an independent audit, you will be awarded Cyber Essentials certification. This certification is valid for 12 months.



Get started today and enhance your business's cyber security with our Cyber Essentials package!

Claim your FREE cyber business assessment today

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